Sunday, 20 August 2017

Arrival of Ĺuke Guan

It has been 2 weeks since baby guan has join the family. People says pregnant woman are forgetful and tend to forget the labour pain but after 2 weeks, its still vivid in my memory. The edd for bb guan is on 4th August and he has no signs of reporting to us on our 39th week hence my gynae Dr Anthony Siow from ASC clinic told us to "check in" to the hospital on 3rd so that he can induce the baby. And so happily we took our dinner at home and make our way down to Gleneagles Hospital at about 10pm and checked ourselves in.
We opted for a 1 bedder but due to shortage, we were given a 2 bedder but paying the price of 1 which was more "wu hua" as Mr Guan gets to sleep on a proper bed and not some sofa. The induce tablet was inserted at about 1130pm that night and after that what we could do is to wait. The night pass by peacefully and came dawn. Still no action.

Dr Siow pop by at about 9am to check on me and said that he would insert another tablet at 2pm. And so I happily ordered fish and chips for my lunch that day. But atlas, at 1030am pain started kicking in real bad, I cannot remember the intervals of the contraction but the pain was so painful that I even vomitted. But as my water bag did not nor did I bleed, I was told to wait in my own ward with no epidural and laughing gas. Then finally at 1.30pm I saw some blood stain while peeing and informed the nurses. Then I was being wheeled to the delivery suite and the contraction became more frequent. The nurses gave me laughing gas and called for the anaesthesia. All along I thought that I have quite high tolerance for pain but in actually fact I think I have none. There are many side effects to the epidural and mine was non stop shivering and numbness in my right leg. And the painless effect did not kick in immediately. I had to endure another 50 mins of contraction before the epidural takes effect.

Anyway to cut the story short, finally at about 8pm I was ready to push. But the pushing again is another challenge, the nurses keep telling me to imagine that I am constipating and try to push, but seriously I never had constipation, in fact I have bowel irritable syndrome.  Haa... therefore it took me about an hr plus for bb guan to be finally out with the aid of a vacumn.
Dr Anthony and Mr Guan, dont they look like 2 serious butcher at work?
Mr Guan & 1 min old BB Guan

I immediately felt hungry after giving birth and so we ordered Mac delivery! So yumz!

Thanks to the many friends who came and visited us the next day with balloons and gifts and flowers, hence we decorated a bit and took our first family photo!

To summarise I really like the service at Gleneagles as all nurses are so attentive and accommodating. I highly recommend anyone to give birth here. 🤣

To follow bb guan's updates, more photos are on my IG: actually_is_a_bell

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