Sunday, 28 December 2014

Ant:dote @ Fairmont

After hearing so much about the "drawers", we finally came and gave it a try. Suprisingly, all the guests at Ant:dote today were females.  And I literally mean ALL. Well which girl would say NO to quality bonding time over gossip, pretty cookies and hot tea.

The standing bar area.

Christofle fine silver flatware - nice.

Yummy bubbly.

For the standard set, you have an option of either egg with truffle or dim sum.

The dim sum trio.

The famous chest - on the top tray were all sorts of pastries and chocolates.

Level 2 comprised of the savory items.

Level 3, scones and lemon sponge cake.

Homemade cookies.

Pink Narumi tea set.

I was caught stoning.

Tea with the girls (minus Karen who is back in Ipoh for Christmas).

Level 1, Fairmont Singapore
Tel: 431 5315

For me, I find the experience to be "once is enough". I personally prefer places where I get to savour an unlimited tea selection and have the freedom to switch between tea or coffee. But in Ant:dote, you are only allowed to 1 tea flavor (refillable) which I find to be very restrictive. Food selection wise, the variety was not to bad but the taste was mediocre.  Most Japanese bakeries would have done an equally job, if not better.

But Ant:dote's centralised location and nice ambience definitely make it suitable for girlfriend gatherings.

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