Thursday, 25 December 2014

Happy Wedding Anniversary - Raffles Hotel

4 years ago,we held our wedding at Raffles Hotel.  4 years later I decided to return to this hotel for a staycation to celebrate our 4th year anniversary.
There were definitely some regrets to the wedding and I am sure this happens to all the brides out there. We would always tell ourself if we could do it again, we would do this way and not that way, or we would have chosen this and not that. But sadly we can't turn back time. So I decided to make use of this opportunity to make right somethings which I felt could have been done differently. I had always wanted to take more photos in Raffles Hotel which I was unable to do so 4 years ago. So the purpose of this staycation was to leave footprints in every corner of Raffles Hotel. And of course I had a theme.  Since I could not put on the same wedding gown, I chose something white but much shorter so that our pictures would still sort of look like wedding shots but yet not so. Before I present the pictures I would like to say a special THANK YOU to the Hub who is always so sporting.  He's always agreeing to what I want to do and going the flow. Likewise for this time.  And I loved the surpise flowers in the room. I really appreciate all your effort.

The Ballroom on 25.12.2010

I remember 4 years ago, the ballroom was really busy, there was a wedding lunch followed by our wedding dinner.  But this morning it was really quiet. Well maybe they knew that we were coming back to take some photos today =)

4 years ago from Sophia Peh's mobile phone.

4 years later.

After reminiscing, let me showcase the series of photos I took this morning with the help of the tripod stand. I purposely made Mr Guan wake up at 7am and we started taking pictures at 8am. This was to avoid unnecessary photobombers and have eyes staring at us like as if we were mad people.

 First let's get started with the outdoor shots.

Not the same Christmas tree 4 years ago but this real tree smells so good.

The same staircase we took to the wedding ballroom 4 years ago.

Looking even better than 4 years ago. And who says we can't age gracefully?

Along the beautiful courtyard rooms.

The Lawn - so romantic to have an ROM party here.

Then Indoors


Our room for the night - room 350

Lastly, Merry Christmas!!

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