Thursday, 26 February 2015

Ritz Carlton Greenhouse Buffet - STILETTO TUESDAYS

When Sue show us the promotion that Greenhouse is having...our first reaction book..we HAD to GO!! So immediately, Sue call and made reservation!! ( Reservation is a MUST!! ...I saw many got turn away because it was full house on that day we went)

What is the promotion about?? It is buffet ladies night...only the girls gets the discount :P The restaurant will based on the highest inches of heels to give discount. Note: the whole group had to wear heels. (Usual Price for the buffet is SGD 72++) The chart.
  • 1 to 1.9 inches – 10 percent privilege
  • 2 to 2.9 inches – 20 percent privilege
  • 3 to 3.9 inches – 30 percent privilege
  • 4 to 4.9 inches – 40 percent privilege
  • 5 inches or more – 50 percent privilege

Go before the promotion end...The promotion ends on the 6th March 2015

Ms and Mrs ...We are the first to arrive...

Pic with Sue....

Thanks to Ashley..super high heels we got the 50% discount

The Oysters very fresh and juicy. Other than oysters there is scallop, clams, prawns, sushi and salad.

Pama Ham & Salami in their cold cut section!!

Cheese Section....

 Cook Food...

The super delicious truffle mashed potatoes that I had many rounds...

India Section...

Laksa and Prawn Mee Section....I tried the laksa...It was GREAT!! The gravy is power! We had 2 bowls each haha

The dessert section, I guess the 9 layer kuey is very nice because by the time I went for dessert... there is none left.

The ice-cream and pancake corner..

 The late comer....Miss Chio

Some pic of the food we had.....

Carrot Cake with XO sauce ...

The roast duck and pork are good!!...Pardon me for missing out the roast pork photos as I only realized I forgot to take the pic after it went into my stomach....

Happy Gals!!

Overall: Super good deal and Fabulous food and ambiance for gals night out!! Hopefully there is more similar promotion to come!!!
P/s: They serve free tea or coffee do ask for it as the waitor don't initiate.

Rating: 5/5

To make reservation :

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Butterfly Necklace Set Review and Giveaway!!

Butterfly Necklace Set Review and Giveaway!!

I was surprised when mail me this necklace set for review because when I visited their website they seems to be selling bicycle instead of accessories. I even double confirmed with turns out they do sell accessories as well!! In fact, they are selling watches and selfie stick too. Guys can shop for bicycle on their site while their partner can shop for accessories.

This beautiful butterfly necklace set is so bling... you can wear it with your little black dress for dinner. can wear it out for casual high tea with your gal friends...

This beautiful necklace set only cost $13/- ..what a good deal!!They have two colors red and blue available. 

Buy It: You can purchase it at

Win It: Email me the reason you want this necklace set to, One lucky winner will get the chance to walk away with this beautiful necklace!(Closing Date:28th Feb 2015)* Open to Singapore Resident Only

Friday, 6 February 2015

The Most Beautiful Place on Earth - Banff ....Day 1 & Day 2

Flying in from Vancouver to Calgary was SPACTACULAR!!!!!!!!!! The views from the plane before we land was simply breathtaking and I knew this trip was gonna be awesome!
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