After a hiatus of about 16 months, there are spider webs and cow webs on our blog, cant believe our last post was in Feb 2016 and since then so much have changed. Firstly Maggie has been promoted from Miss to Mrs and now to Mdm MOM and now I am joining her in this the MOM status.
Currently I am in my 34th weeks and counting and had put on about 7 kg till date and still growing. Getting preggy after 6 years of marriage, the most frequent question that I encounter was " was it an accident", or " was it a planned pregnancy?" Well, if it was an accident, we would not have waited till now for the accident to happen right?
Mr Guan & I was contented to be "you and me just us 2" till his brother had a baby girl last Feb. With the new addition, we could not wait to go back to the in laws every week to spend time with her and sometime back in July/Aug last year, we moved back for a week to help my MIL to care for the baby as Vicky's (the baby girl) parents are away for a holiday. It was after that 1 week of hardcore babysitting, we realized that we actually don't mind having one of our own and we are think we are quite ready for it and so we planned for a good month to start trying. As Mr Guan has already bought his Ultra ticket for Year 2017 in Miami, we could only start trying in Oct 2016 so that he could still go for his party.
I must say that we were very bless to be able to conceive in the following month. To cut the long story short, I am currently visiting Dr Anthony Siow from ASC clinic at Gleneagles. I prefer a male doctor as I find them more gentler and easy going. Before I found Dr Siow, I visited 2 male doctors but I gave up on them as we do not click and I do no look forward in seeing them for my check ups. Finding the doctor which will make you feel at ease and eye pleasing is very important, so take your time in choosing your doctor and do not be afraid to disqualified them if you do not like them. Hahaa.
So fast forward to today, as the dates draw closer, we are starting to prepare the hospital bag and adding more necessity in welcoming the baby. But currently we are facing a very important hurdle, the NAME. Till date, Mr Guan has only shortlisted 1 name and that is Luke. I personally quite like this name as it means light in the bible but somehow Mr Guan still wants to keep the options open. But hello! we have less than 6 weeks to go man. As for the Chinese name, we are going to do what everyone is doing which is going to a fortune teller after the baby is born . Well that's all for now and we will keep you guys posted of the baby's name. In the meantime he will be called BabyGuan.😂
First appointment after the double line on the test kit.
We were so sad to not be able to see the baby on the 1st scan which is about 5 weeks. It was just a water bag.
2md appointment with another doctor
Finally we saw a glimpse of the baby and hearing the heartbeat for the 1st time. But there wasn't those tearing moments like in the movies though.
And we celebrated at Kisho after the checkup.
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