There is a saying " Orlando is where Adults become kids again" which is super true...
Rise and shine for our first breakfast at Orlando...Danny's!! I really love Danny's pancakes!! Their blueberries pancakes is so fluffy ..1000 times better than MacDonald ones!! Somebody, please bring Danny's to Singapore!
After Breakfast....Disneyland..Magical Kingdom!! Florida Disneyland is the first Disneyland in the world...oldest and most original one!! The Magical Kingdom is crowded with tourist from all around the world so please arrived early!! It was already quite crowded when we reached there at 9am. Remember to use the fast pass which is free, you can check out Disney website for more details. The fast pass will saved you a lot of queuing time.
Inside Princess Belle Castle...
The Little Mermaid Ride which is also newly open...not bad.
Disney Carnival not to be missed...where all the Disney Character come out and say Hi..
News Breaking!! ...Ms and Mrs Love to travel going to be Mrs and Mrs Love to travel soon...
Nick propose to me during Magical Kingdom Fireworks ...I was almost falling asleep when watching the fireworks due to Jetlag...suddenly I see him giving me a red heart skip a he going to pop the question? Yes, he did ...he was no nervous that he was lost for words. Normally, he got many things to say lolz. He had start planning the proposal few months back with my friends...under my nose... kudos to all of them for keeping the secret so well.
He propose with a Cartier love bangle which is my dream bangle for many many donkey years .The bangle is lock to my wrist forever unless he unlock it or my hand got chop off my robber...lolz...
Stay tuned about wedding post..will be blogging about our wedding preparation ....
Still high from last night proposal...this morning I woke up to another surprise...Nick : "We are going photoshoot today" Me : Huh.. are you kidding...I never bring my dress......I love this much effort put into this US proposal trip !
Here is some of the photo we took from Disney Photography. The photo was taken in one of the Disney resort. Frankly speaking, we are a bit disappointed with the photos. We thought they will edit in some Disney character because we had to wait for 4 weeks before our photo is ready. Compared, we think our Bali photo looks much nicer and they only took 1 day to edit our photos, including a photo montage DVD.
After the photo shoot we went to Disney Hollywood Studio....the highlight of the theme park is tower of terror which I beg Nick to let me skip it although they had mild the ride. Previously, they had a lot of complaint that the ride is too scary. In exchange, I had to go do a roller coaster ride with him at Universal Studio with him.
The Cosy Art Room where Disney Artist draw the character, the studio is so cosy and homely. I also want to be an artist!
Still high from last night proposal...this morning I woke up to another surprise...Nick : "We are going photoshoot today" Me : Huh.. are you kidding...I never bring my dress......I love this much effort put into this US proposal trip !
Here is some of the photo we took from Disney Photography. The photo was taken in one of the Disney resort. Frankly speaking, we are a bit disappointed with the photos. We thought they will edit in some Disney character because we had to wait for 4 weeks before our photo is ready. Compared, we think our Bali photo looks much nicer and they only took 1 day to edit our photos, including a photo montage DVD.
The Cosy Art Room where Disney Artist draw the character, the studio is so cosy and homely. I also want to be an artist!
Hand painted Drawing....
They had a drawing class where they teached you how to draw a Disney Character. Today, we are drawing the dog inside Toy Story.
The Disney Biggest Star....Mickey Mouse
Disney Stunt of the highlight of the theme park
Disney Studio another highlight of the park, we get to sit on the tram and see the props studio and how the effect is make for movies.
Tsunami Coming....
At Disney Hollywood Studio, there is also a Jack Sparrow Studio which is newly open. We get to go in and see a 3D Jack Sparrow acting which I think is quite boring since we queue for about an hour to get in.
Overall...I felt Disney Magical Kingdom is a MUST GO!! Disney Hollywood Studio...if you have extra time.
Very nice pics. It must have been a magical experience. I will celebrate thanks giving down there! I'm really looking forward. I booked the hotel and everything. Any good tips for finding cheap flights?