Monday, 24 June 2013

New York 2

New York Part 2

Our next stop...

Night scene of New York Times Square....full of energy and life

Hi...We are on Times Square Screen...Can you spot us?

Posing at the Times Square...

NYPD right in the middle of Times Square...

At Red Lobster, they serve all things lobster....I love lobster..Yums

Lobster lavish can we get...

Empire State...
View from the top....New York..Concrete Jungle..where dreams are made of..

Grand Central Terminal...another spot that I always saw in the here I was really beautiful....hundreds of thousand visitors come in and out of the terminal everyday....

Checking his watch time...this clock at the Grand Central Terminal is the most accurate clock in the world.

At the Madam Tussaud...this is included in our New York Pass ...Botak United...

Posing with Zombie before going into the haunted house...the haunted house is quite scary as you do not know the person beside you is wax or real...and they will come out from nowhere to grab you ... not for the faint hearted..

Acting as President ....

Talking to the construction worker...

The Donald Trump that look very waxy haha...

Charlie and me...

The Wall Street Bull..

911 Memorial..

Chinatown..New York Chinatown don't look as happening as in the movies

We had Sze Chuan food for dinner...surprisingly it is quite much better than the Chinese food we had in Washington

The  dirty subway station...glad that it is winter no smell....I wonder how do summer time smell like..
Radio City....

View of NYC at night from Chrysler Building...the view at night is just stunning...

Our flag...

Busy Busy New York City

To those who watched TLC....Cake Boss!!! 

The shop was really busy....I guess any shop which went on TV will have buzzing business

The cake was too creamy to my liking.....

The Navy Musuem...which is part of the New York Pass free attraction. While waiting for the river cruise, we went in to have a walk....since it is free

Going into the Submarine Museum

Inside the was really very narrow...not suitable for people who have will go crazy inside...

He look like a terrorist and his missile weapon...

We had some Greek food at a nearby restaurant ...taste was rather average...

On the river cruise, we had chosen the 3 hour ride. It was really cold sitting on the deck as it is Winter time...that's the reason we wore like we are going to ski haha....

I came well prepare....

Looks who is there....Staute of Liberty...The Statue of Liberty is closed due to the damage by Hurricane Sandy...heard that it will reopen on 4th July 2013.

Yankee Stadium...

This is a really cool public transport...

The many bridges we cruise past during our 3 hour ferry ride...

Sushi for dinner...marks the end of our Ultimate USA Love Trip....USA see you soon, we will be back!!!

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