New York
Our last stop of the US Trip....we would be driving from Washington to New York. It is about 4 hours drive from Washington to Woodbury.
After calculating, we think it cost about the same as taking bus to New York than to Woodbury. Driving would driving give us more flexibility and save more time. Our initial plan was to stop by New Jersey on the way but after talking to a nice old lady in Washington, she said that New Jersey is still recovering from the flood. She said it would be better to visit other time.
Cute castle like houses at the outskirt of Washington..
My driver...The first toll station...many more to go pass later...
I am so glad we chosen to drive to New York, it was very scenic and the rains make the ride so different from driving in Singapore
Stop over for quick lunch...the hotdog joint had the same name as our ex president hehe...
The factory outlet is located in such a nice place in the world to shop..
We thought it would be very crowded looking at the amount of cars in the car park...but surprisingly it is quite quiet...maybe is due to the rain...
A very happy me.....!!!
After our woodbury time to check in our hotel...
This is New Nick had to look style
New York Times of the most influential News Paper in the world...
Trying to look style too but I had to go back hotel to change after this photo..because it is too cold haha....
Interesting Car Park....
Feeling can take a horse ride...
Very authentic Jazz band inside the subway station...they are good! New York subway is an interesting place for people watching...there are many different types of people taking the subway and living inside the subway station...each one have their own live stories...
Saw an interesting scene inside the subway, a black woman gave some money to a white homeless man after hearing his plight. Who would have imagine this happening 100 years ago...
"No race is more supreme then the other"
The famous Shake Shack was good
At the American Musuem of Natural History..this musuem is super big you would need weeks to view every single pieces of the exhibit. This is also the Museum they film "A night in the Musuem"
My weight in moon 20.8kg...I am consider underweight in Planet Moon...hehe
After Museum, we went to Central Park and got lost inside Central Park...the Park is so huge...
Figuring how to get out of the park....
Replica of Luxury hotels of old times....They look very luxury
Macy's the oldest shopping mall in the world...The Macy Owner and his wife died together on Titanic holding hands together....
Dinner was Korean Food....Whatever cuisine you looking for..New York has it...
The famous Bagels....I felt its' okay only....
Posing with a Mustang...
View of Soho...
Ski Boots in Gay Rainbow hehe...
The yummy Chobani Yogurt Bar...
Greek Dinner with friends in New York...who despise us walking around with a big SLR...saying we looked like a typical tourist...But we are indeed tourist mah haha...
Streets of New York
Another must do thing in NYC is to watch a Broadway Show. There is so many shows to choose from. Price here is also cheaper than in Singapore, you can get the discounted tickets online or try your luck at the TKTS discount booth
Inside "The Chicago" Theater, the cast was good!
Guess what building is behind me?
hi, May I know when is your trip? which month?
ReplyDeleteI am planning to visit USA, seek for some advices..
thanks in adv =)