Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Herbivore @ Fortune Centre

Herbivore @ Fortune Centre
I used to think vegeterain food is boring and disgusting, until I met Nick who introduce me to the world of vegeterian. After, trying different type of vegeterain restaurant with him. Now, I had changed opinion of vegeterian, they actually taste quite good. Now, I had a few fave vegeterian restuarnt on my list hehe...
This is definetly one of them...Herbivore! It is not often that you see Japanese Vegeterian Restaurant, on top of that it actually taste real good.
For starter, we had Salmon Sashimi ($9) actually look like real sashimi haha. I think it taste good..but if you ask me how is it compare to the real salmon sashimi...I can't answer you because I never eaten the real salmon sashimi before haha...

Cold Tofu ($4)

Honey Chicken ($12), it looks like real chicken dice. I like the crunchy nuts, it added texture to the chicken..delicious.

Cheese Shitake Mushroom ($12) , I like the cheese but the tomato sauce and teriyaki sauce is too much for me...I find it salty. But Nick love this dish. It looks quite easy to prepare maybe I can try it at home.

Salmon Avo Maki ($12) , the sushi is crunchy and flavourful tho it don't taste like salmon.

Pork Cheese Spring Roll ($8), this dish is abit disappointing as my expectation is already build up by the dishes served first.

Kaki Udon ($9), this is my fave dish for the night. The udon is very "Q" and the soup is sweet and salty at the same time. I think is one of the best udon, I had in Singapore.

Verdict : 4/5
Herbivore Pte Ltd
190 Middle Road, #01-13/14
Fortune Center S(188979)
Tel : +6333 1612

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